
Showing posts from February, 2019

Blogisode 12: F*** your Love Story

"My love life is like a piece of Swiss cheese. Most of it's missing, and what's there stinks." — Joan Rivers Ah February! It's that time of the year where all of the restaurants, theaters and food joints are filled couples and families, and you're left binging random shows on YouTube, and Netflix. If it isn't obvious enough from the title, I hate couples. I. HATE. COUPLES. All the snuggling, toying around surroundings, and hogging of space, what's to enjoy in that? But RaGoPi, what's life without love? The journey gets better once you find somehow that syncs with your life force, and that's the beauty of the remaining journey. Have you ever been at an instance, that because of certain people enjoying their time together, with their 'motivational kindled partnership', and you end up in the short end of things? Me, plenty of times. Shoving all that joy and playfulness right in my face, while I figuratively stand in the mi

Blogisode 11: What's In A Name?

'What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.' ― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Nomenclature ( no·men·cla·ture | \ ˈnō-mən-ˌklā-chər also nō-ˈmen-klə-ˌchu̇r ) can be defined as the a system or set of terms or symbols especially in a particular science, discipline, art, etc, or as the act or process or an instance of naming. Basically, what we call something/someone, to identify it/them. However have you ever had an incident wherein your name was mispronounced, or even written the wrong way (Looking at you, Starbucks)? Someone, or better yet, almost every one referred you as someone else? No, not for a few days, not a few months, but close to about twenty years?!!!? Ever wondered why names exist? With over seven billion people on earth (as of now), and rumors that everyone has close to six to seven doppelgangers, it makes sense that there needs to be some sort of system of names and checks. Something like h