
Showing posts from February, 2020

Blogisode 14: The Bashed Car Experience

“A boo is a lot louder than a cheer.”  - Lance Armstrong So it's the middle of the day, and I'm watching this new show on Netflix, the one with Karan Johar. Three episodes in of this so-so Indian Queer Eye, I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I'm laughing and thinking to myself "What the actual fuck am I doing right now? What the hell is wrong with me?". When all the depraved and self loathing thoughts were clinging on, I remembered it's almost 14th February, a day I'm extra depraved and self loathing. While I could imagine pulling an imaginary bullet from an imaginary gun into my imaginary skull, I realized it was time to revive the old blog for a new V-day chapter. The tale involves John and his wild sense of imagination. So the tale begins in a vivid dream of one of those things you've dreamt of having since you were a teenager. In John's case, it was a car (Just roll with it). It started with a flashback where John saw the