Blogisode 1: First Times

“The first time you do a thing is always exciting”

Kind of apt, that I’m starting my blog for the first time with this topic.

It’s a special thing, isn’t it; the first time you do something. The first time you enter school, enter college, or first day at work. First time you try out something new: a culinary experience, a place or even an event.

A large concoction of feelings like excitement, boldness, pride, and others, that vary every occasion. Those instantaneous moments of intense fear and doubt, about what will and won’t happen, how it’s going to be, what will go wrong, the pros, the cons: an instant plot-thread flowchart about what your next instinct is (At-least that’s what I do in my over-analyzing motif). Going on and on till it becomes default under your routine.

Now as said before, these things change based on situations; situations where you go ‘Screw it’ and just go for it. Like the Nike slogan 'Just Do It' and you well, do it. Like, do you remember the first time when you were a kid and tried cola. That sudden temptation to try out this shiny dark drink that everyone drinks, with bubbly brown fizz oozing off the glass upon shaking the drink. Do you ever recall having a time, you just went for it and that sudden sugar rush coming across the tip of your tongue, iris bulging and suddenly feeling that your mind was *POOF* blown.
Now compare that, with a life changing first time event. Say, the first time you had choose what career path you were gonna follow. We've probably watched a ton of movies and shows where there's that one parental figure who goes 'Go on son, follow your dreams', we hope to go on that kind of path, leading to some sort of road to success. But that's just fiction, far from reality, where we take days and months of research and doubt, to answer our doubts. And once that's over, it moves to next stage of doubts. A pyramid of doubts, so to speak. 'Will this work out?', 'What if I screw up',  'I like this course is better than this one, but this one's more successful' etc. Filled with doubts and remorse about what’s to happen, you just move on ahead, trying to ignore chances missed, and moving ahead.

Both these scenarios differ from one another, but there are tons more, each with their own matter of complexity to deal with.

Here are two first time scenarios I’m going to share:

The first time I tried Wasabi:
To all those who don’t know what Wasabi is (Google it if you can), think of it as a mix of mustard sauce, hot sauce, salt, sour powder, and other spices powered up by 10. It looks harmless, but one kick of raw Wasabi, and you’ll be…….
Quite a recent incident actually, my family and I were going out to dinner, so as a fancy choice, we tried P. F Chang's, a famous Chinese bistro restaurant. So this was the first time, we were trying out such an authentic experience, so we thought we would go all out, ordering dishes with fancy names and descriptions (under a tight budget of course, middle class you know :P). So one of the dishes was a sushi like prawn based appetizer, with a mysterious green sauce at the corner of the plate. It had that light greenish color, the color you typically see in those tiny desert cakes in every buffet. So, to counter-act the spiciness in the appetizer,  I tried a big chunk of wasabi and then began the explosion in my mouth. Tongue being on fire, and mouth shrinking, despite drinking half a bottle of water. Eventually it came to a point where the taste buds became normal again, at the cost of about half a bottle of water, two drinks and one side of my tongue. Something I'm definitely for ages to come.

The first time I walked into an exam, without any preparation (honest):
Now I usually try my best to prepare for any subject for an exam atleast a few hours  before the exam. But during the winter of 2016, the last exam of the semester, it was flu season. The symptoms were there to start off with during that period, shivering in the middle of the exams, nose constantly dripping with mucous, and throat caught up with some kind of 'thing' (The one that shows up in those Vicks medicine ad, that hosts some kind of party, a metaphor for a throat block). So the night before the last exam, Fluid Mechanics (sigh), I felt so sick like a zombie, that I could barely make it to the clinic for a check up. So, it turns out I caught the flu, and had to get a good nights' proper rest. So all those unaware about Fluid Mechanics, it's one of the most slowest, complicated and boring subjects in the course (atleast to me). So given the prescription given, I had the medicine and hit the books to cram up as much as I can. Little did I know, it was that make you sleepy kind of medicine, and next thing I know I hear an alarm ringing '8:30  am', an hour before the most hardest subject (for me) that semester, and I didn't prepare squat.
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See in college, I have this notion that my exams are going to turn out bad, but in this case, I knew IT WAS BAD. I was having last minute panic attacks, starting rushing to rooms where all the guys usually discuss and revise to teach in the last 30 minutes, but I barely understood a word. Fast forward 30 minutes later, I'm in the hall and I see the paper.
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Riddled with disease, stress and want to leave as soon as possible and yet somehow pass, I had saddest of sad songs play up in my head. Looking across the room at the others who were writing the paper and just pondering 'How?'. An hour later, with only one page done, with most of the paper remaining, I was clueless, imagining the various extreme scenarios that were going to happen. A, I fail this semester, and continue hearing the consistent self-loathing in my head, amped up by a level, or B, write something whatsoever, and hope that by some grace, you manage to pass. Halfway through the test, one of the invigilators walked over, and as he looked at me, I could tell he knew, I was screwed, and just grinned. With last few minutes remaining, and with my answer sheet just reaching the double digits, I closed the booklet and without any second look, I gave the booklet back and left back to the room, and back to sleep. Now after a stress riddled winter break, on whether I was going to pass or not, I came to know that I passed :O
That whole shindig, is one I'm not going to forget.

This is a first time that's happening around now, right as I'm typing from straight out of my head. I've always wanted to write and always wanted to share thoughts, so mixing them together, this has been a plan that I've kept procrastinating over due to doubts about how if they'll work. I still have doubts now, re-reading it over and over, whether or not the content seems boring, or mildly appreciable. But just as Nike's slogan says, and trying to maintain it as a 'New Year's Resolution', I'm just going for it.
Hope I was able to make someone appreciate it :)
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Thanks and Ciao,
Dull McDummyFace


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