Blogisode 3: The RaGoPi Show

"In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight"
                                                                                                         - Truman Burbank

In case you were wondering what's with the deal with the title of this blog, the quote and that picture right above, it's based on The Truman Show. A satirical sci-fi movie starring Jim Carrey which deserves a watch. Don't worry not going to spoil most of its main plot, but its the given theme of today's blog.

While writing the last blog (Link: (shameful publicity)), it got me thinking, how I saw my life, if I saw it as a member of a live studio audience of 'The RaGoPi Show'. So sit back, relax, grab your popcorn or chocolate bar, and enjoy a brief imagination of the synopsis and pilot.


Follow the life of Raghu Govind Pillai, a 20 something year old goofball, trying to manage his mundane life, writing boring thoughtless blogs that nobody reads, sulking across every inconsistency, and regularly disappointing with his scenario. The series follows his everyday misadventures of sitting alone in class, entering awkward group conversations and regularly forgotten in group activities. Watch as he tries to write off every odd to bounce back to the same state. 

Camera pans towards the back of an a bored out RaGoPi, who is infront of his laptop, shouting 'What's the point of this?! It's not like anyone's going to fudgin bother reading this crap'. RaGoPi says as he stares longingly at the rough draft of his third blog post. 'It's always like this at the starting, probably this'll generate traction'. ' Ha, or maybe not, maybe they won't even bother clicking links highlighted. As if anyone is going to remember one of the videos from the last blog being removed by the good ol' folks at YouTube. They probably won't. *Sigh*'. Opening a new tab, RaGoPi then turned to watching random 'Try not to Laugh' videos on YouTube. Suddenly, a knock on the door, 'A' enters and asks, 'Is B here?', RaGoPi nods no. Minutes later, 'C', 'D', 'E' and others shows up asking the same thing. Hours later, 'B' enters the room and goes back to his laptop.
'Hey 'B', a few people came looking for you?'
'Oh, who?'
'A,C,D,E and a few others'
'Huh, okay'
'So, what's up 'B'?'
'Meh, nothing much'
After a few minutes of silence, RaGoPi asks 'So what are you doing 'B'?'
'Watching a TV show'
'Oh, cool :|'
A few minutes later, RaGoPi leaves to the adjacent room, and sees his friend 'F' watching a movie.
'Hey 'F'! What're you watching?'
'Oh nothing much, just ******'
'Oh cool'
A few awkward minutes later, RaGoPi just waves goodbye and leaves. The scenario happens in a bunch of other rooms.
Finally RaGoPi walks to the balcony, and just looks at his phone.
'As always, *Sigh*'
Putting his phone aside, RaGoPi stares at the night, under the blue light of the moon, and roll credits.

Most of you might be thinking at this point, 'What the crap did I just read?'. Did I go crazy, than I already am?. Boring right? To the few, who could relate with this 'Hey dude!, High-five, small treat for you at the end of the post :)'

I tried re-writing and re-phrasing it, to make it seem appealing without taking away, its key essence, but meh. Now imagine, actually living like this for most of your life.You would think that a show named after me implies that I'm the main character in the tale or narrative, but nope, it doesn't seem that way, in fact it feels like I'm the side character in my own show. The guy who's part of the main characters' story-line, to make him progress to the next stage, phase or whatever, but never their own. Those, who just exist, for some reason. Sort of like one of those endless trainers in every Pokemon game. There are tons of side-characters around our life, expendable (not in that way), just to serve our purpose. 

Now there are number of notable side characters among several TV shows that serve across various gimmicks. The friend- who serves to help around, the comedian- whose purpose is to lighten the mood through various means, the bully- who brings us down, and those are just some at the tip of the iceberg. 
Now I watch a ton of TV shows, each with their own side characters, with their own side gimmicks. But to provide clarity with the theme, are some of the side characters in F.R.I.E.N.D.S, a show most of us binge to.

1. Gunther:- Ah Gunther, the lovable weird waiter of the Central Perk, ex-actor (Google it :P), and one of the hidden fixtures of the everyday lives of the main protagonists. Thirteen years later, most of us know that Chandler and Monica moves to Westchester County, NY; Joey move's to LA; Rachel and Ross get together finally, and Phoebe and Mike live together. But what happened to Gunther, the main guy in the main cafe, where they all hang out. Fun fact: If you Google searched it, there was a plan for Gunther to have his own show, where his hijincks were to find where Rachel was, but thinking about it now, no wonder it was scraped :|

2. Frank Buffay: Phoebe's half brother, who raises Phoebe's surrogate triplets as his own. Sure, he comes around during the last season, "The One Where Ross Is Fine", where he tells Phoebe how difficult it is, but after some reassurance just leaves. Yeah, any word on that guy?

3. Earl: Earl who now? What, don't remember? Remember the guy in "The One Where Rosita Dies" who's Phoebe's first sales call during toner sales. He appears suicidal for the most of the episode, and in the end of the day, eventually announces and leaves his job, though with a little wish of some notice. Sure we all go with the presumption that he becomes a changed man, but he was just there for that one episode, so what might have happened to him later on o.O?

At this point, it may feel like exageration, but this is a scenario faced by many. Like their lives don't matter, if something worthwhile happens and nobody bothers, but if something messes up, they're the butt of all the jokes, they try to get involved in conversations that start right but end up nowhere. They want to be heard, but aren't. They want to have  purpose, but they just feel they serve any. They want to be taken seriously, but they know inside, there isn't any point to it. And despite trying an effort to break the barrier out of their shell, like tying a knot on a rubber band at one end of a hook, and stretching it far apart, it just hits back harder. And all they can do, is just try again.



This blog post has been pending for about a long time now, but couldn't be completed due to a few errands. Probably one of the most dearest topics I've wanted to talk about in a while, but still feel it lacks some essential clarity. But, whatever probably better known to myself than to others, meh. More my-version-of-happier posts down the line.

Oh and as promised during the reading, there's no better gift than sharing so.......
*Cue drum roll*

A song I've been consistently listening to while writing this post: Cause sharing music is just a good gift as any, but hey if you ever meet me in person, just say 'Walawaladoodooki', and get a free cup of coffee. Offer valid till coffee's not a thing anymore :)

As always, apreci8 that feedback.

Thanks and Syonara,

Dull McDummy Face.


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