Blogisode 4: Crush.ed

"I don't know what to say when I have a crush on somebody. I kind of lose my words. I really try to start a conversation, and I can't. It's horrible"
                                                                                          - Alexa Vega

As February comes to a close, so does the endless number of Buzzfeed listicles on Valentine's day, memes on 'How many ____'s will you get this Valentine's day' and the 'Wink Girl' trend (hopefully).
But due to the overly-annoying effect of those mentioned, it's one of those times where memories start to recollect up, especially about past instances, rejects, failures, what-if scenarios and etc; and then the sudden baggage paves way. Sigh.

Now some of you might read the title, and probably wonder:

1. Woah dude, last blog article (Shameful Plug :)) was kind of deep, and now this, what the hell?
2. Oh, crushes, oooh, *wink wink*.
3. Who's your crush?
4. Don't you have anything else to write about?
5. You write?

To which I say:

1. Topic of thought, I'll try to keep it light, I promise.
2. Leave (Read till the end, then leave).
3. Not the point of this blog.
4. I do, but, topic of thought.
5. I'm trying to. Please do check it out :D

Now without further ado, read, as the naive little nimble twat in me blabbers on about the current topic of thought.
Cool? Cool

So what's a crush: defines it as, 'a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate' or a more appropriate and my favorite, quite literally 'to press or squeeze something/someone with a force that destroys or deforms an entity'. 

Funny how one definition overlaps over the other quite definitively. But jokes apart, we all probably get the idea, of how it is and how it starts, the sudden infatuation, that feeling of watching a whole Bollywood rom-com featuring you and the person of interest in a matter of seconds, at the same time, trying your best without looking creepy. 

From that one beginning, you try to make things work in your favor, from forcing yourself into awkward sightings, trying to find details which later progresses into stalking, getting involved into more of his/her activities, and with all this happening, if at all you get seen by them, that awkward poker faced smile one gives, just the cherry one top of the cake. At that moment, you call upon the gods of English and speech, to help you out, with the words to start things off, but as soon as you get them, you realize five minutes have passed as you poker-stared in awkward fashion, leaving the situation even more embarrassing than it should be.

And if all things work out, you finally managed to grow a pair, and introduce yourself to them. Soon turning to friends, giving the casual nod whenever you see one another, and then eventual chitter chatter here and there. Point to be noted here, you still haven't told anything to them about 'the feels', just keeping it to the back of your mind at the moment.

Later over time, you help them out with their work, assignments and whatever, thinking I'm in their goodbooks, until one fine day, it happens. He/She introduces you to that person, who is a lot to them, how their story started etc etc.

Just as you realise you blew it, at the back of your head you have some reassurance that, eh, it'll probably just be a fling of sorts and crack eventually. You still try to meet him/her occasionally, but they're always with that significant other, and over time, you purposely try to avoid any contact with that person. Ducking, looking the other way, pretending to be in an important phone conversation, basically whatever to avoid contact at all. 

Fast forward five years later, and the both of them are still together, sharing happy-go-friendly photos with captions like '#Lovers','#Romance','#RelationshipGoals', '#CoupleGoals', and whatever monstrosity associated with goals, and you're writing a pointless blog, possibly shaming yourself in the process. 

Now, self roast aside, one question always ponders upon me. That being, which schmuck came up with the term 'crush' and why was it called that. I came across several intriguing articles and answers to this upon googling, and these are some of the brief notes.

  • The romantic sense of crush was first recorded in the 1884 journal of Isabella Maud Rittenhouse.
  • According to Eric Partidge, a famous New Zealand–British lexicographer of the English language, crush might have been a variation on mash, since by 1870, mashed was a popular way of saying flirtatious or head over heels in love, and to crush something was to mash it.

This got me thinking, how historic the act of getting crushed is. Imagining late 1800's Brits in their long johns and fancy attire, going head over heels over Victorian women, doing the dangers of waging wars, dwindling meat, and even battling animals in the process, all eventually falling gracefully flat. Sad reacts 1870's man :'( .

Sad 1870's man

Even today, with the new 2000's generation coming up, seeing people you knew as chubby, snot-nosed kids that were watching probably the best cartoons at the time, back when you were about to pass out of school, and today, them in their all goofy, hi-fi world posing and posting pictures with utmost cringeworthy taglines like 'With BAE', 'BAE first', '<3<3 BAE >> Food <3<3', and all you can do is go.....

Apart from this, there are other forums like Reddit and Quora, where people go way all the way depressing to soulful to brutal and deep with the meaning, from various simplistic relations of stuck in some mental cat and mouse game to allegories of Shakespeare's King Lear. Feel free, to check them out.

Now what's my take on the meaning?
A mix and match of both really. At times, there are scenes wherein you have an internal picture of how horrible the approach you're going to make is. For clarity sake, you have an mental probability, where the odds in favor are 1 to a billion. And even, if you do something worthwhile, to shake things up in your odds; billion minus one, is still close to a billion, so not worth full Romeo on that scenario. But there are some instances, where maybe it might work, you think to yourself, seeing a future reality wherein everything works as you say worthwhile, except, it doesn't. That's when the painful take or slamming effect on the literal meaning of the word acts. Leaving an everlasting crushing blow to all the February's to come.

And now with all things done and said, probably with all this brief history and it still appears interesting that despite how times and trends change, that feeling remains indifferent. Someone could probably make a philosophical theory on this stuff and paper as well. Oh well.

Now I really felt confused while writing this. Whether or not, to go ahead with it or not. But, never the less I went ahead.

The thought arised when the 'Wink Girl' trend arrived, and the subsequent number of memes, jokes and further trolls came up. It was fun probably for the first 2 days, but with people going more and more with the trend, news media covering it up for a whole day, and the large takeover it had in social media, it became annoying. I swear, every time I see a dubsmash, or a music edit of that clip, 0.00001% of me dies, probably.

Yeah, this is usually the part, where I upload a song, that may/may not have come up in mind while I was writing this blog. Well, I didn't particularly stick to anything as such, but in order to get in and possibly resonate with the mood with which I wrote this, then click here :).

Oh, and also, one last thing, In case you want to agree with my points about well love, please don't. I'm honestly as stupid as a goofball, and this is just my thoughts atop of my head. Hence, point of this blog.

As always, apreci8 that feedback.

Grazie and adieu,

Dull McDummy Face.


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