Blogisode 5: Click This To Pass Your Next Exam (Hopefully) Part Uno

“We exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams." 
                                                                                                          - George Weasley 

In case you clicked the link, wondering if this works, well......

Ah exam season, what a weird time it is! Not the joy-est of seasons, but indeed the opposite. With constant routines of stress, caffeine drills and  peer pressure seizing to act, along with periodical sessions of waking up early, pasting walls of notes and formulas and  re-re-re-reading texts highlighted with important points and 'sure-shot questions' just to make sure we get the grades right!

What starts with weekly periodic tests, to daily mid-sem and half-sem exams, to lab test sessions of dissecting cells of dead animals, smelling test tubes for 'bad odorous' Ammonia, and long hours of taking readings of wiring and optics (All in the name of 'SCIENCE' btw), to finally, the magnum opus, EXAMii BOARDus, which is all of in one combo of the above. And that's just one sentence.

You would think it ends after that. That just brings up the next lineup of pre-mature adulthood and what we're probably going to do for the rest of our lives. Entrance exams, coaching exams, SATs, GRE, TOEFL, online tests, aptitude exams, formative assessments, cycle tests, semester examinations and much much more. Guaranteed I might not be the best influencer to guarantee the perfect scorecard, but well, I've been through some of them.

Here's my experience in all this exam craze. Hopeful it's relatable at some parts :)

Part I : SCHOOL 1.0

Probably the most easiest of the whole exam timeline, grades (1-10) was the life of the party (I was among the group of students who always got A+ marks, so......). At the time, study routines were simple, with doing whatever our idea of fun was at the time regularly with reminders from parents to 'revise' whatever was taught on a particular day, regularly. But during exam season, the whole scene changed. From studying under a regular surveillance by conservative parents, endless rushes to tuition classes, revising notes front and back, and sleeping safe and sound without stress.

 Now I wasn't a popular figure in school (or anywhere for that matter), so during any exam I was one of the people always looked up to as  'The Guy With All The Answers'. So midway through the exam, I look up to freshen up my mind from the paper, I would find myself stared at people beside me, from begging to bossy. So, in order to help out, I try my level effort to pass on some answers while trying to avoid being caught.

At the time of results, I had two ways of approach, based on the result of course.

1. I'm among the top few in class, and just shrug it off. (*Cue 'BillyJeanTheme.mp3'*)

2. If I just passed, and imagining the reactions on going home. (*Cue sad music*)

But it was (1) in most cases, so Yay :P

Part II: School 2.0

High school. With a massive load to study and cram, so became massive the stress. Sigh. 

This stage can best be clarified in 2 stages.

Grade 11.  In what appears to be a massive jump from Grade 10, being probably the most metaphorical gut-punch of being in school. Ever since the first test, things needed to be changed. As a person who would usually get 45+ out of 50s in the tests (I was a geek, I know), I would find myself across mid 20's. So came the extra tuition classes and the major of it all, coaching classes (In high hopes I had any chance of good colleges, 2 years in advance. So, skimming past all tests without major flaws, and yet somehow with a little more hectic schedule (I'm talking a tuition class after a tuition class which was just after another tuition class, Yes, 3 back to back classes), I managed to get back on track.

Grade 12. The final frontier. The last year of school. You get the idea.
Somewhat easier than it's 11th grade counterpart (probably due to getting used to it), the exam scene here was hectic, because of the college prep that was done along with it. So on a routine, the schedule would appear as school in the morning to tuition in the afternoon to coaching in the evening and final SAT 'self prep' in the night. Tired af.
And if you're starting to feel pity now, just waiting till the last month. With all the emotional farewell events taking place addressing all the cool kids, realizing that I had no point in this, it almost came down to considering skipping these events for the 'greater good' (Chill, I didn't). With last few weeks before the test, signs showed stress catching hold quick. Sleeping hours would be seen cut short from 8 hours to 5, caffeine sessions were regular, and another dum approach to avoid catching adrift, I would dunk my legs in a bucket of cold water.

Books lined up with Post-it slips, texts highlighted with 'Important points', memorizing codes like B.B. Roy of Great Britain Veto getting wednesday and YouTube playlists with songs like these:

With the D-day arriving, my dad would drive me to the venue, wishing me 'Good Luck' and the next thing I would come to notice, the hundreds upon hundred of students from several schools cramming texts, discussing important points, and some writing down those last minute chits.  A scene, as best described by teachers, a chaotic fish market with crowds of all kind.

As the clock struck 10, and we entered our respective halls with our roll cards being checked, I closed my eyes, reciting all the prayers I knew, remember all the motivation videos I got on Whatsapp, and an imaginary Shia Labeouf with his key words.

As the bell rang, the invigilator with her key words
"You May Start Now"

Pens started rushing, pages flipping, curious eyes left and right, and the invigilator going full surveillance mood.

With a few minutes left, I started flipping pages up and down, checking if I missed a question, checking if I missed a certain step.

And as the bell rang, signalling the end of the exam, some of us would smile awkwardly knowing we've fudged ourselves, some would sigh with relief that one paper's done, and some would scribble with angst what they can do with in last few seconds.

As I exited the hall, the scene was almost like that of a cremation ground. Groups crying, discussing about the unfairness of the paper, if they had more time, and parents outside trying to cheer their child's pandemonium. Then there would be those few set of people who would ask.

"Did you do that 5 marker at the back of the last page?"

The same scenario played out in every exam, only with the added factor of 'Wanting to quit' after every paper. So when it came down to the last exam, my only point of interest was, 3 hours from now, FREEDOM! But when the paper came in front of me, my brain was dull minded.

The 'study' part was in a battle with the 'chill' part of the brain. So by the time, I got out of the exam, I knew I royally fudged it. And the scene upon exiting the hall, was like emerging out of a battlefield wounded, knowing that even with all the joy of it being over, you've messed up and lost.

As weeks pass by, the resounding stress of the results would be coming started acting up. A number of troll websites started to appear showing fake links for the results. Then once they finally came, I passed with a 92 percentile. With my mom and dad happy and jumping with joy, and me, being the goofball that I am, expressionless knowing though it was a great result, but could've done better.

 Here's the thing, it might've felt at the time it mattered, maybe it did on the long level, for the aspects of going places, but it's just a matter of numbers, and a mental aspect of how you can cope up with a scenario. So back to the start of the blog, on whether or not you would pass.

To be honest, not a psychic, but there's nothing stopping you from passing apart from yourself. The thoughts you have during an exam prep probably have a large say in the writing. So would you pass? Hell yeah, if you're confident enough of everything you've done so far. Cause in all fairness, not all teachers are sadists, so go out there and pass with flying colors.

Oh and if you're among the few who have that one sadistic prof, there there, it'll get better some day, it's not the world just yet :)


Really wanted to post this early, before the board exam season, but oh well, better late than never. The first of two parts mostly aimed at school exams (I'll get to the personal aspect of school in a later blog). But in case the over growing fear of what's to come is still there for you, regarding an exam, my dad once told this, that exams are more of a personal check based on a set of numbers by a few people with a higher level of knowledge. And once they say something, don't fret, as numbers are a matter to be judged upon, cause there's an inner spark to be light upon, that shows one's true essence.

I might probably not have said the best things to cheer or provide hope to latch on, but in case you're still stressed out on those results to come, well......

Hope that makes it better, and part two, coming soon.

Arigato and Sayonara

Dull McDummy Face


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